
Convergence of the various FMM formulations.

import time

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import nannos as nn

bk = nn.backend

We will study the convergence on a benchmark case from [Li1997]. First we define the main function that performs the simulation.

wavelength = 1
sq_size = 1.25 * wavelength
eps_diel = 2.25

def checkerboard_cellA(nh, formulation):
    d = 2 * sq_size
    Nx = 2**9
    Ny = 2**9
    lattice = nn.Lattice(([d, 0], [0, d]), discretization=(Nx, Ny))
    pw = nn.PlaneWave(wavelength=wavelength, angles=(0, 0, 0))
    epsgrid = lattice.ones() * eps_diel
    sq1 = lattice.square((0.25 * d, 0.25 * d), sq_size)
    sq2 = lattice.square((0.75 * d, 0.75 * d), sq_size)
    epsgrid[sq1] = 1
    epsgrid[sq2] = 1

    sup = lattice.Layer("Superstrate", epsilon=eps_diel)
    sub = lattice.Layer("Substrate", epsilon=1)
    st = lattice.Layer("Structured", wavelength)
    st.epsilon = epsgrid

    sim = nn.Simulation([sup, st, sub], pw, nh, formulation=formulation)
    # this actually corresponds to order (0,-1) for the other unit cell in [Li1997]
    order = (-1, -1)
    R, T = sim.diffraction_efficiencies(orders=True)
    t = sim.get_order(T, order)
    return t, sim

def checkerboard_cellB(nh, formulation):
    d = sq_size * 2**0.5
    Nx = 2**9
    Ny = 2**9
    lattice = nn.Lattice(([d, 0], [0, d]), discretization=(Nx, Ny))
    pw = nn.PlaneWave(wavelength=wavelength, angles=(0, 45, 0))
    epsgrid = lattice.ones() * eps_diel
    sq = lattice.square((0.5 * d, 0.5 * d), sq_size, rotate=45)
    epsgrid[sq] = 1

    sup = lattice.Layer("Superstrate", epsilon=eps_diel)
    sub = lattice.Layer("Substrate", epsilon=1)
    st = lattice.Layer("Structured", wavelength)
    st.epsilon = epsgrid

    # st.plot()
    sim = nn.Simulation([sup, st, sub], pw, nh, formulation=formulation)
    order = (0, -1)
    R, T = sim.diffraction_efficiencies(orders=True)
    t = sim.get_order(T, order)
    return t, sim

Perform the simulation for different formulations and number of retained harmonics:

def plot_cell(sim):
    axin = plt.gca().inset_axes([0.77, 0.0, 0.25, 0.25])
    lay = sim.get_layer_by_name("Structured")

NH = [100, 200, 300, 400, 600]
formulations = ["original", "tangent", "pol", "jones"]

for icell, cell_fun in enumerate([checkerboard_cellA, checkerboard_cellB]):
    celltype = "A" if icell == 0 else "B"

    print(f"cell type {celltype}")

    nhs = {f: [] for f in formulations}
    ts = {f: [] for f in formulations}
    times = {f: [] for f in formulations}

    for nh in NH:

        print("number of harmonics = ", nh)

        for formulation in formulations:
            t0 = -time.time()
            t, sim = cell_fun(nh, formulation=formulation)
            t0 += time.time()
            print("formulation = ", formulation)
            print(f"number of harmonics: asked={nh}, actual={sim.nh}")
            print(f"elapsed time = {t0}s")
            print("T(0,-1) = ", t)

    # Plot the results:

    markers = {"original": "^", "tangent": "o", "jones": "s", "pol": "^"}
    colors = {
        "original": "#d4b533",
        "tangent": "#d46333",
        "jones": "#3395d4",
        "pol": "#54aa71",

    for formulation in formulations:
    plt.legend(loc=5, ncols=2)
    plt.xlabel("number of Fourier harmonics $n_h$")
    # plt.ylim(0.1255, 0.129)
    plt.title(f"cell {celltype}")


    for formulation in formulations:
    plt.xlabel("number of Fourier harmonics $n_h$")
    plt.ylabel("CPU time (s)")
    plt.title(f"cell {celltype}")
  • cell A
  • cell A
  • cell B
  • cell B
cell type A
number of harmonics =  100
formulation =  original
number of harmonics: asked=100, actual=97
elapsed time = 0.21494340896606445s
T(0,-1) =  0.12583443545828166
formulation =  tangent
number of harmonics: asked=100, actual=97
elapsed time = 0.39380860328674316s
T(0,-1) =  0.12805228665328253
formulation =  pol
number of harmonics: asked=100, actual=97
elapsed time = 0.3573622703552246s
T(0,-1) =  0.1280522866532768
formulation =  jones
number of harmonics: asked=100, actual=97
elapsed time = 0.37837839126586914s
T(0,-1) =  0.12829938643406547
number of harmonics =  200
formulation =  original
number of harmonics: asked=200, actual=197
elapsed time = 1.0715365409851074s
T(0,-1) =  0.12677369665660498
formulation =  tangent
number of harmonics: asked=200, actual=197
elapsed time = 1.2821485996246338s
T(0,-1) =  0.12843894955158572
formulation =  pol
number of harmonics: asked=200, actual=197
elapsed time = 1.3130955696105957s
T(0,-1) =  0.12843894955157578
formulation =  jones
number of harmonics: asked=200, actual=197
elapsed time = 1.3471274375915527s
T(0,-1) =  0.12874832484252707
number of harmonics =  300
formulation =  original
number of harmonics: asked=300, actual=293
elapsed time = 3.2607803344726562s
T(0,-1) =  0.12700879783997474
formulation =  tangent
number of harmonics: asked=300, actual=293
elapsed time = 3.6047160625457764s
T(0,-1) =  0.1285226252519324
formulation =  pol
number of harmonics: asked=300, actual=293
elapsed time = 3.5516562461853027s
T(0,-1) =  0.12852262525194116
formulation =  jones
number of harmonics: asked=300, actual=293
elapsed time = 3.636275291442871s
T(0,-1) =  0.12868178902298358
number of harmonics =  400
formulation =  original
number of harmonics: asked=400, actual=385
elapsed time = 6.854674577713013s
T(0,-1) =  0.12725054007633896
formulation =  tangent
number of harmonics: asked=400, actual=385
elapsed time = 7.398108959197998s
T(0,-1) =  0.12854946017234567
formulation =  pol
number of harmonics: asked=400, actual=385
elapsed time = 7.309309005737305s
T(0,-1) =  0.12854946017234517
formulation =  jones
number of harmonics: asked=400, actual=385
elapsed time = 7.3898704051971436s
T(0,-1) =  0.12867166821042447
number of harmonics =  600
formulation =  original
number of harmonics: asked=600, actual=593
elapsed time = 23.1548171043396s
T(0,-1) =  0.1274294323989492
formulation =  tangent
number of harmonics: asked=600, actual=593
elapsed time = 24.253308534622192s
T(0,-1) =  0.12852617563412871
formulation =  pol
number of harmonics: asked=600, actual=593
elapsed time = 24.071086168289185s
T(0,-1) =  0.12852617563411178
formulation =  jones
number of harmonics: asked=600, actual=593
elapsed time = 24.374499559402466s
T(0,-1) =  0.12865899294972083
cell type B
number of harmonics =  100
formulation =  original
number of harmonics: asked=100, actual=97
elapsed time = 0.3592796325683594s
T(0,-1) =  0.12638413481716906
formulation =  tangent
number of harmonics: asked=100, actual=97
elapsed time = 0.5035815238952637s
T(0,-1) =  0.12821645033384216
formulation =  pol
number of harmonics: asked=100, actual=97
elapsed time = 0.533735990524292s
T(0,-1) =  0.12821645033383577
formulation =  jones
number of harmonics: asked=100, actual=97
elapsed time = 0.5749943256378174s
T(0,-1) =  0.12812319496479768
number of harmonics =  200
formulation =  original
number of harmonics: asked=200, actual=197
elapsed time = 1.2429182529449463s
T(0,-1) =  0.12700548284814972
formulation =  tangent
number of harmonics: asked=200, actual=197
elapsed time = 1.4730887413024902s
T(0,-1) =  0.12823255616464801
formulation =  pol
number of harmonics: asked=200, actual=197
elapsed time = 1.460988998413086s
T(0,-1) =  0.12823255616467172
formulation =  jones
number of harmonics: asked=200, actual=197
elapsed time = 1.5093660354614258s
T(0,-1) =  0.1280877717602022
number of harmonics =  300
formulation =  original
number of harmonics: asked=300, actual=293
elapsed time = 3.42385196685791s
T(0,-1) =  0.1271855413568751
formulation =  tangent
number of harmonics: asked=300, actual=293
elapsed time = 3.727818489074707s
T(0,-1) =  0.12825634085494542
formulation =  pol
number of harmonics: asked=300, actual=293
elapsed time = 3.724989891052246s
T(0,-1) =  0.12825634085491608
formulation =  jones
number of harmonics: asked=300, actual=293
elapsed time = 3.7718183994293213s
T(0,-1) =  0.1280935976012433
number of harmonics =  400
formulation =  original
number of harmonics: asked=400, actual=385
elapsed time = 6.924372911453247s
T(0,-1) =  0.1273177587405062
formulation =  tangent
number of harmonics: asked=400, actual=385
elapsed time = 7.3615710735321045s
T(0,-1) =  0.12825655476841114
formulation =  pol
number of harmonics: asked=400, actual=385
elapsed time = 7.388616323471069s
T(0,-1) =  0.12825655476840622
formulation =  jones
number of harmonics: asked=400, actual=385
elapsed time = 7.488894462585449s
T(0,-1) =  0.12808885995392583
number of harmonics =  600
formulation =  original
number of harmonics: asked=600, actual=593
elapsed time = 23.081909894943237s
T(0,-1) =  0.12750443255815355
formulation =  tangent
number of harmonics: asked=600, actual=593
elapsed time = 24.58843183517456s
T(0,-1) =  0.12824480750865824
formulation =  pol
number of harmonics: asked=600, actual=593
elapsed time = 23.93336820602417s
T(0,-1) =  0.12824480750859457
formulation =  jones
number of harmonics: asked=600, actual=593
elapsed time = 24.058025360107422s
T(0,-1) =  0.12808282495649406

Total running time of the script: (4 minutes 56.068 seconds)

Estimated memory usage: 3247 MB

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery