#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Benjamin Vial
# This file is part of nannos
# License: GPLv3
# See the documentation at nannos.gitlab.io
__all__ = ["Simulation"]
from . import backend as bk
from . import get_types, jit, logger
from .formulations import fft
from .layers import _get_layer
from .plot import plot_structure, pyvista
from .utils import block, block2list, get_block, inv2by2block, norm, set_index
from .utils import time as timer
from .utils import unique
from .utils.helpers import _reseter
FLOAT, COMPLEX = get_types()
# from .parallel import parloop
_inv = bk.linalg.inv
class Simulation:
"""Main simulation object.
layers : list
A list of :class:`~nannos.Layer` objects.
excitation : :class:`~nannos.PlaneWave`
A plane wave excitation .
nh : int
Number of Fourier harmonics (the default is ``100``).
formulation : str
Formulation type. (the default is ``'original'``).
Available formulations are ``'original'``, ``'tangent'``, ``'jones'`` and ``'pol'``.
def __init__(
# Layers
self.layers = layers
self.layer_names = [layer.name for layer in self.layers]
if not unique(self.layer_names):
raise ValueError("Layers must have different names")
# check if all layers share the same lattice
lattice0 = self.layers[0].lattice
for layer in self.layers:
assert layer.lattice == lattice0, ValueError(
"lattice must be the same for all layers"
self.lattice = lattice0
# nh0 is the number of harmonics required as input that might be different
# from the one used after truncation
nh0 = int(nh)
self.nh0 = nh0
# this is to avoid error when truncating to a single harmonic for example
# when all layers are uniform
if bk.all(bk.array([s.is_uniform for s in self.layers])) and nh0 != 1:
nh0 = 1
logger.info("All layers are uniform, setting nh=1")
if nh0 == 1:
nh0 = 2
# Check formulation
if formulation not in ["original", "tangent", "jones", "pol"]:
raise ValueError(
f"Unknown formulation {formulation}. Please choose between 'original', 'tangent', 'jones' or 'pol'"
if self.lattice.is_1D and formulation not in ["original", "tangent"]:
raise ValueError(
f"Formulation {formulation} not available for 1D gratings. Please choose between 'original' and 'tangent'."
self.formulation = formulation
# Get the harmonics
self.harmonics, self.nh = self.lattice.get_harmonics(nh0, sort=True)
# Build a dictionary of indices
idict = {}
for j, (i1, i2) in enumerate(self.harmonics.T):
i1 = int(i1)
i2 = int(i2)
if i1 in idict:
idict[i1][i2] = j
idict[i1] = {i2: j}
self.harmidx_dict = idict
# Check if nh and resolution satisfy Nyquist criteria
maxN = bk.max(self.harmonics)
if self.lattice.discretization[0] <= 2 * maxN or (
self.lattice.discretization[1] <= 2 * maxN and not self.lattice.is_1D
raise ValueError(f"lattice discretization must be > {2*maxN}")
# Set the excitation (plane wave)
self.excitation = excitation
self.omega = 2 * bk.pi * self.excitation.frequency_scaled
self.incident_flux = bk.real(
/ bk.sqrt(self.layers[0].epsilon * self.layers[0].mu)
# Buid lattice vectors
self.k0para = (
* (self.layers[0].epsilon * self.layers[0].mu) ** 0.5
r = self.lattice.reciprocal
self.kx = (
+ r[0, 0] * self.harmonics[0, :]
+ r[0, 1] * self.harmonics[1, :]
self.ky = (
+ r[1, 0] * self.harmonics[0, :]
+ r[1, 1] * self.harmonics[1, :]
self.Kx = bk.diag(self.kx)
self.Ky = bk.diag(self.ky)
# Some useful matrices
self.IdG = bk.array(bk.eye(self.nh, dtype=COMPLEX))
self.ZeroG = bk.array(bk.zeros_like(self.IdG, dtype=COMPLEX))
# Initialize amplitudes
for index_zeroth_order, h in enumerate(self.harmonics.T):
if h[0] == 0 and h[1] == 0:
self.a0 = []
for i in range(self.nh * 2):
if i == index_zeroth_order:
a0 = self.excitation.a0[0]
elif i == self.nh + index_zeroth_order:
a0 = self.excitation.a0[1]
a0 = 0
self.a0 = bk.array(self.a0, dtype=COMPLEX)
self.bN = bk.array(bk.zeros(2 * self.nh, dtype=COMPLEX))
self.index_zeroth_order = index_zeroth_order
# This is a boolean checking that the eigenproblems are solved for all layers
# TODO: This is to avoid solving again, but could be confusing
self.is_solved = False
# dictionary to store intermediate S-matrices
# TODO: check memory consumption of doing that, maybe make it optional.
self._intermediate_S = {}
def get_layer(self, id):
"""Helper to get layer index and name.
id : int or str
The index of the layer or its name.
layer : nannos.Layer
The layer object.
index : nannos.Layer
The layer index in the stack.
return _get_layer(id, self.layers, self.layer_names)
def get_layer_by_name(self, id):
return self.get_layer(id)[0]
def solve(self):
Solve the eigenproblem for all layers in the stack.
This method loops over all layers in the stack and calls the
:meth:`build_matrix` and :meth:`solve_eigenproblem` methods for each
layer. The solved layers are stored in the :attr:`layers` attribute of
the simulation object.
This method is called automatically by the :meth:`run` method of the
simulation object.
_t0 = timer.tic()
layers_solved = []
for layer in self.layers:
_t0lay = timer.tic()
logger.info(f"Computing eigenpairs for layer {layer}")
layer = self.build_matrix(layer)
if layer.is_uniform:
layer.solve_uniform(self.omega, self.kx, self.ky, self.nh)
# ## normalize
# phi = layer.eigenvectors
# out = bk.conj(layer.eigenvectors).T @ layer.Qeps @ layer.eigenvectors
# layer.eigenvectors /= bk.diag(out)**0.5
_t1lay = timer.toc(_t0lay, verbose=False)
f"Done computing eigenpairs for layer {layer} in {_t1lay:0.3e}s"
self.layers = layers_solved
self.is_solved = True
_t1 = timer.toc(_t0, verbose=False)
logger.info(f"Done solving in {_t1:0.3e}s")
def reset(self, param="all"):
Reset some or all of the simulation.
param : str, optional
The parameter to reset. If ``"S"``, the S matrix is reset.
If ``"solve"``, the simulation is reset to unsolved state.
If ``"all"``, both are reset. The default is ``"all"``.
if param == "S":
_reseter(self, "S")
self._intermediate_S = {}
if param == "solve":
self.is_solved = False
if param == "all":
def get_S_matrix(self, indices=None):
"""Compute the scattering matrix.
indices : list
Indices ``[i_first,i_last]`` of the first and last layer (the default is ``None``).
By default get the S matrix of the full stack.
The scattering matrix ``[[S11, S12], [S21,S22]]``.
if not self.is_solved:
_t0 = timer.tic()
S11 = bk.array(bk.eye(2 * self.nh, dtype=COMPLEX))
S12 = bk.zeros_like(S11)
S21 = bk.zeros_like(S11)
S22 = bk.array(bk.eye(2 * self.nh, dtype=COMPLEX))
if indices is None:
n_interfaces = len(self.layers) - 1
stack = range(n_interfaces)
logger.info("Computing total S-matrix")
stack = range(indices[0], indices[1])
logger.info(f"Computing S-matrix for indices {indices}")
S = self._intermediate_S[f"{stack[0]},{stack[-1]}"]
except Exception:
for i in stack:
layer, layer_next = self.layers[i], self.layers[i + 1]
z = layer.thickness or 0
z_next = layer_next.thickness or 0
f, f_next = bk.diag(phasor(layer.eigenvalues, z)), bk.diag(
phasor(layer_next.eigenvalues, z_next)
I_ = _build_Imatrix(layer, layer_next)
Imat = [
[get_block(I_, i, j, 2 * self.nh) for j in range(2)]
for i in range(2)
A = Imat[0][0] - f @ S12 @ Imat[1][0]
S11 = bk.linalg.solve(A, f @ S11)
S12 = bk.linalg.solve(A, (f @ S12 @ Imat[1][1] - Imat[0][1]) @ f_next)
# B = _inv(A)
# S11 = B @ f @ S11
# S12 = B @ ((f @ S12 @ Imat[1][1] - Imat[0][1]) @ f_next)
S21 = S22 @ Imat[1][0] @ S11 + S21
S22 = S22 @ Imat[1][0] @ S12 + S22 @ Imat[1][1] @ f_next
S = [[S11, S12], [S21, S22]]
self._intermediate_S[f"{stack[0]},{i}"] = S
if indices is None:
self.S = S
_t1 = timer.toc(_t0, verbose=False)
logger.info(f"Done computing S-matrix {_t1:0.3e}s")
return S
def get_z_poynting_flux(self, layer, an, bn):
Compute the z-component of the Poynting vector.
layer : Layer
The layer
an : array
The amplitudes of the forward fields
bn : array
The amplitudes of the backward fields
forward : array
The z-component of the Poynting vector of the forward fields
backward : array
The z-component of the Poynting vector of the backward fields
if not self.is_solved:
q, phi = layer.eigenvalues, bk.array(layer.eigenvectors)
A = layer.Qeps @ phi @ bk.diag(1 / (self.omega * q))
phia, phib = phi @ an, phi @ bn
Aa, Ab = A @ an, A @ bn
cross_term = 0.5 * (bk.conj(phib) * Aa - bk.conj(Ab) * phia)
forward_xy = bk.real(bk.conj(Aa) * phia) + cross_term
backward_xy = -bk.real(bk.conj(Ab) * phib) + bk.conj(cross_term)
forward = forward_xy[: self.nh] + forward_xy[self.nh :]
backward = backward_xy[: self.nh] + backward_xy[self.nh :]
return bk.real(forward), bk.real(backward)
def get_field_fourier(self, layer_index, z=0):
Compute the fields in k-space for a given layer and z position.
layer_index : int
Index of the layer
z : float or array
The z position(s) at which to compute the fields
fields_fourier : array
The fields in k-space for the given layer and z position(s)
layer, layer_index = self.get_layer(layer_index)
_t0 = timer.tic()
logger.info(f"Retrieving fields in k-space for layer {layer}")
if not self.is_solved:
ai0, bi0 = self._get_amplitudes(layer_index, translate=False)
Z = z if hasattr(z, "__len__") else [z]
fields = bk.zeros((len(Z), 2, 3, self.nh), dtype=COMPLEX)
for iz, z_ in enumerate(Z):
ai, bi = _translate_amplitudes(layer, z_, ai0, bi0)
ht_fourier = layer.eigenvectors @ (ai + bi)
hx, hy = ht_fourier[: self.nh], ht_fourier[self.nh :]
A = (ai - bi) / (self.omega * layer.eigenvalues)
B = layer.eigenvectors @ A
et_fourier = layer.Qeps @ B
ey, ex = -et_fourier[: self.nh], et_fourier[self.nh :]
hz = (self.kx * ey - self.ky * ex) / self.omega
ez = (self.ky * hx - self.kx * hy) / self.omega
if layer.is_uniform:
ez = ez / layer.epsilon
# ez = layer.eps_hat_inv @ ez
ez = bk.linalg.solve(layer.eps_hat, ez)
for i, comp in enumerate([ex, ey, ez]):
fields = set_index(fields, [iz, 0, i], comp)
for i, comp in enumerate([hx, hy, hz]):
fields = set_index(fields, [iz, 1, i], comp)
fields_fourier = bk.array(fields)
_t1 = timer.toc(_t0, verbose=False)
f"Done retrieving fields in k-space for layer {layer} in {_t1:0.3e}s"
return fields_fourier
def get_ifft(self, u, shape, axes=(0, 1)):
Compute the inverse Fourier transform of an array `u`.
u : array
The array to transform
shape : tuple
The shape of the output array
axes : tuple
The axes to transform over
The inverse Fourier transformed array
u = bk.array(u)
s = 0
for i in range(self.nh):
f = bk.zeros(shape, dtype=COMPLEX)
f = set_index(f, [self.harmonics[0, i], self.harmonics[1, i]], 1.0)
a = u[i]
s += a * f
return fft.inverse_fourier_transform(s, axes=axes)
def get_ifft_amplitudes(self, amplitudes, shape, axes=(0, 1)):
Compute the inverse Fourier transform of the amplitudes in k-space.
amplitudes : array
The amplitudes to transform
shape : tuple
The shape of the output array
axes : tuple
The axes to transform over
The inverse Fourier transformed amplitudes
_t0 = timer.tic()
logger.info("Inverse Fourier transforming amplitudes")
amplitudes = bk.array(amplitudes)
if len(amplitudes.shape) == 1:
amplitudes = bk.reshape(amplitudes, amplitudes.shape + (1,))
s = 0
for i in range(self.nh):
f = bk.zeros(shape + (amplitudes.shape[0],), dtype=COMPLEX)
f = bk.array(f)
f = set_index(f, [self.harmonics[0, i], self.harmonics[1, i]], 1.0)
# f[self.harmonics[0, i], self.harmonics[1, i], :] = 1.0
a = amplitudes[:, i]
s += a * f
ft = fft.inverse_fourier_transform(s, axes=axes)
_t1 = timer.toc(_t0, verbose=False)
logger.info(f"Done inverse Fourier transforming amplitudes in {_t1:0.3e}s")
return ft
def get_field_grid(
self, layer_index, z=0, shape=None, field="all", component="all"
Retrieve the fields in real-space for a given layer.
layer_index : int
The layer index
z : float, optional
The z coordinate of the field, by default 0
shape : tuple, optional
The shape of the output array, by default None
field : str, optional
The field type, by default "all". Must be one of "all", "E" or "H"
component : str, optional
The component of the field, by default "all". Must be one of "all", "x", "y" or "z"
The fields in real space. The shape of the array depends on the arguments.
if field not in ["all", "E", "H"]:
raise ValueError("Wrong field argument, must be `all`, `E` or `H`")
if component not in ["all", "x", "y", "z"]:
raise ValueError("Wrong component argument, must be `all`, `x`, `y` or `z`")
layer, layer_index = self.get_layer(layer_index)
_t0 = timer.tic()
logger.info("Retrieving fields in real-space for layer {layer}")
shape = shape or layer.epsilon.shape
fields_fourier = self.get_field_fourier(layer_index, z)
fe = fields_fourier[:, 0]
fh = fields_fourier[:, 1]
def _get_field(f, i):
return self.get_ifft_amplitudes(f[:, i, :], shape)
if component == "all":
if field == "all":
E = bk.stack([_get_field(fe, i) for i in range(3)])
H = bk.stack([_get_field(fh, i) for i in range(3)])
out = E, H
elif field == "H":
out = bk.stack([_get_field(fh, i) for i in range(3)])
elif field == "E":
out = bk.stack([_get_field(fe, i) for i in range(3)])
elif component == "x":
if field == "all":
E = _get_field(fe, 0)
H = _get_field(fh, 0)
out = E, H
elif field == "H":
out = _get_field(fh, 0)
elif field == "E":
out = _get_field(fe, 0)
elif component == "y":
if field == "all":
E = _get_field(fe, 1)
H = _get_field(fh, 1)
out = E, H
elif field == "H":
out = _get_field(fh, 1)
elif field == "E":
out = _get_field(fe, 1)
elif component == "z":
if field == "all":
E = _get_field(fe, 2)
H = _get_field(fh, 2)
out = E, H
elif field == "H":
out = _get_field(fh, 2)
elif field == "E":
out = _get_field(fe, 2)
_t1 = timer.toc(_t0, verbose=False)
f"Done retrieving fields in real space for layer {layer} in {_t1:0.3e}s"
return out
def get_Efield_grid(self, layer_index, z=0, shape=None, component="all"):
Retrieve the electric field in real space for a given layer.
layer_index : int
The layer index
z : float, optional
The z coordinate of the field, by default 0
shape : tuple, optional
The shape of the output array, by default None
component : str, optional
The component of the field, by default "all". Must be one of "all", "x", "y", "z"
The electric field in real space. The shape of the array depends on the arguments.
return self.get_field_grid(
layer_index, z=z, shape=shape, field="E", component=component
def get_Hfield_grid(self, layer_index, z=0, shape=None, component="all"):
Retrieve the magnetic field in real space for a given layer.
layer_index : int
The layer index
z : float, optional
The z coordinate of the field, by default 0
shape : tuple, optional
The shape of the output array, by default None
component : str, optional
The component of the field, by default "all". Must be one of "all", "x", "y", "z"
The magnetic field in real space. The shape of the array depends on the arguments.
return self.get_field_grid(
layer_index, z=z, shape=shape, field="H", component=component
def diffraction_efficiencies(self, orders=False, complex=False, return_dict=False):
"""Compute the diffraction efficiencies.
orders : bool
If ``True``, returns diffracted orders, else returns the sum of
reflection and transmission for all propagating orders (the default is ``False``).
complex : bool
If ``True``, return complex valued quantities corresponding to ampitude related coefficients.
(the default is ``False``).
return_dict : bool
If ``True``, return quantities as nested dictionaries with keys corresponding to diffraction orders.
This works only if ``orders=True`` (the default is ``False``).
The reflection and transmission ``R`` and ``T``.
if not hasattr(self, "S"):
if complex:
R, T = self._get_complex_orders()
if not orders:
R = bk.sum(R, axis=1)
T = bk.sum(T, axis=1)
aN, b0 = self._solve_ext()
fwd_in, bwd_in = self.get_z_poynting_flux(self.layers[0], self.a0, b0)
fwd_out, bwd_out = self.get_z_poynting_flux(self.layers[-1], aN, self.bN)
R = -bwd_in / self.incident_flux
T = fwd_out / self.incident_flux
if not orders:
R = bk.sum(R)
T = bk.sum(T)
if return_dict and orders:
Rdict = self.harmidx_dict.copy()
Tdict = self.harmidx_dict.copy()
for i1, i2 in self.harmonics.T:
i1 = int(i1)
i2 = int(i2)
idx = self.harmidx_dict[i1][i2]
Rdict[i1][i2] = R[idx]
Tdict[i1][i2] = T[idx]
return Rdict, Tdict
return R, T
def _get_complex_orders(self):
Compute the complex reflection and transmission coefficients for all diffraction orders.
The reflection and transmission coefficients ``R`` and ``T``.
nin = (self.layers[0].epsilon * self.layers[0].mu) ** 0.5
nout = (self.layers[-1].epsilon * self.layers[-1].mu) ** 0.5
gamma_in0 = (
self.omega**2 * nin**2 - self.k0para[0] ** 2 - self.k0para[1] ** 2
) ** 0.5
# gamma_out0 = (
# self.omega**2 * nout**2 - self.k0para[0] ** 2 - self.k0para[1] ** 2
# ) ** 0.5
gamma_in = (self.omega**2 * nin**2 - self.kx**2 - self.ky**2) ** 0.5
gamma_out = (self.omega**2 * nout**2 - self.kx**2 - self.ky**2) ** 0.5
norma_t2 = nin**2 * (gamma_out / gamma_in0)
norma_r2 = nin**2 * (gamma_in / gamma_in0)
norma_t = (norma_t2.real) ** 0.5
norma_r = (norma_r2.real) ** 0.5
t = self.get_field_fourier("Substrate")[0, 0] * norma_t
bx0 = self.get_field_fourier("Superstrate")[0, 0] * norma_r
o0 = bk.array(bk.zeros(self.nh))
o0 = set_index(o0, [self.index_zeroth_order], 1)
r = bk.stack([b - o0 * c for b, c in zip(bx0, self.excitation.amplitude)])
return r, t
def get_z_stress_tensor_integral(self, layer_index, z=0):
Compute the z-component of the stress tensor integral for the given layer
at a given z position.
layer_index : int
The index of the layer
z : float
The z position
The x, y and z components of the stress tensor integral
layer, layer_index = self.get_layer(layer_index)
fields_fourier = self.get_field_fourier(layer_index, z=z)
e = fields_fourier[0, 0]
h = fields_fourier[0, 1]
ex = e[0]
ey = e[1]
ez = e[2]
hx = h[0]
hy = h[1]
hz = h[2]
dz = (self.ky * hx - self.kx * hy) / self.omega
if layer.is_uniform:
dx = ex * layer.epsilon
dy = ey * layer.epsilon
exy = bk.hstack((-ey, ex))
# FIXME: anisotropy here?
# dxy = layer.eps_hat @ exy
_eps_hat = block([[layer.eps_hat, self.ZeroG], [self.ZeroG, layer.eps_hat]])
dxy = _eps_hat @ exy
dx = dxy[self.nh :]
dy = -dxy[: self.nh]
Tx = bk.sum(ex * bk.conj(dz) + hx * bk.conj(hz), axis=-1).real
Ty = bk.sum(ey * bk.conj(dz) + hy * bk.conj(hz), axis=-1).real
Tz = (
* bk.sum(
ez * bk.conj(dz)
+ hz * bk.conj(hz)
- ex * bk.conj(dx)
- ey * bk.conj(dy)
- hx * bk.conj(hx)
- hy * bk.conj(hy),
return Tx, Ty, Tz
def get_order_index(self, order):
Return the index of the order (m,n) in the harmonics array.
order : tuple or int
The order to find the index of. If int, the second element of the tuple is assumed to be 0.
The index of the order in the harmonics array.
If the order is not a tuple of two integers for bi-periodic gratings.
len(order) == 2
except Exception as e:
if self.lattice.is_1D and isinstance(order, int):
order = (order, 0)
raise ValueError(
"order must be a tuple of integers length 2 for bi-periodic gratings"
) from e
# return [
# k for k, i in enumerate(self.harmonics.T) if bk.allclose(i, bk.array(order))
# ][0]
return self.harmidx_dict[order[0]][order[1]]
def get_order(self, A, order):
Return the element of A at the index corresponding to the order.
A : array like
The array to index into
order : tuple or int
The order to find the index of. If int, the second element of the tuple is assumed to be 0.
The element at the index corresponding to the order in A
return A[self.get_order_index(order)]
def _get_toeplitz_matrix(self, u, transverse=False):
Compute the Toeplitz matrix of the input array u.
u : array like
The array to compute the Toeplitz matrix of
transverse : bool, optional
If True, compute the Toeplitz matrix for transverse diffraction orders.
array like
The Toeplitz matrix of the input array u
if transverse:
return [
[self._get_toeplitz_matrix(u[i, j]) for j in range(2)] for i in range(2)
uft = fft.fourier_transform(u)
ix = bk.array(bk.arange(self.nh))
jx, jy = bk.meshgrid(ix, ix, indexing="ij")
delta = self.harmonics[:, jx] - self.harmonics[:, jy]
return uft[delta[0], delta[1]]
def build_matrix(self, layer):
Build the matrix for a given layer.
layer : int or Layer
The layer to build the matrix for. If int, the layer is identified by its index.
The layer with the computed matrix
_t0 = timer.tic()
layer, layer_index = self.get_layer(layer)
logger.info(f"Building matrix for layer {layer}")
if layer.iscopy:
layer.matrix = layer.original.matrix
layer.Kmu = layer.original.Kmu
layer.eps_hat = layer.original.eps_hat
layer.eps_hat_inv = layer.original.eps_hat_inv
layer.mu_hat = layer.original.mu_hat
layer.mu_hat_inv = layer.original.mu_hat_inv
layer.Keps = layer.original.Keps
layer.Peps = layer.original.Peps
layer.Qeps = layer.original.Qeps
return layer
Kx, Ky = self.Kx, self.Ky
mu = layer.mu
epsilon = layer.epsilon
if layer.is_uniform:
# if layer.is_epsilon_anisotropic:
# _epsilon = block(
# [
# [epsilon[0, 0] * self.IdG, epsilon[0, 1] * self.IdG],
# [epsilon[1, 0] * self.IdG, epsilon[1, 1] * self.IdG],
# ]
# )
# else:
# _epsilon = epsilon
# if layer.is_mu_anisotropic:
# _mu = block(
# [
# [mu[0, 0] * self.IdG, mu[0, 1] * self.IdG],
# [mu[1, 0] * self.IdG, mu[1, 1] * self.IdG],
# ]
# )
# else:
# _mu = mu
Keps = _build_Kmatrix(1 / epsilon * self.IdG, Ky, -Kx)
# Pmu = bk.eye(self.nh * 2)
Pmu = block([[mu * self.IdG, self.ZeroG], [self.ZeroG, mu * self.IdG]])
epsilon_zz = epsilon[2, 2] if layer.is_epsilon_anisotropic else epsilon
if layer.is_epsilon_uniform:
eps_hat = self.IdG * epsilon_zz
eps_hat_inv = self.IdG / epsilon_zz
eps_hat = self._get_toeplitz_matrix(epsilon_zz)
eps_hat_inv = _inv(eps_hat)
mu_zz = mu[2, 2] if layer.is_mu_anisotropic else mu
if layer.is_mu_uniform:
mu_hat = self.IdG * mu_zz
mu_hat_inv = self.IdG / mu_zz
mu_hat = self._get_toeplitz_matrix(mu_zz)
mu_hat_inv = _inv(mu_hat)
if layer.is_epsilon_anisotropic:
eps_para_hat = self._get_toeplitz_matrix(epsilon, transverse=True)
eps_para_hat = [[eps_hat, self.ZeroG], [self.ZeroG, eps_hat]]
Keps = _build_Kmatrix(eps_hat_inv, Ky, -Kx)
Kmu = _build_Kmatrix(mu_hat_inv, Kx, Ky)
# nh_tan = max(1000, self.nh)
nh_tan = self.nh
harmonics_tan, _ = self.lattice.get_harmonics(nh_tan, sort=True)
if self.formulation == "original":
Peps = block(eps_para_hat)
elif self.formulation == "tangent":
if self.lattice.is_1D:
N, nuhat_inv = self._get_nu_hat_inv(layer)
eps_para_hat = [[eps_hat, self.ZeroG], [self.ZeroG, nuhat_inv]]
Peps = block(eps_para_hat)
t = layer.get_tangent_field(harmonics_tan, normalize=True)
Peps = self._get_Peps(layer, eps_para_hat, t, direct=False)
elif self.formulation == "jones":
t = layer.get_tangent_field(harmonics_tan, normalize=False)
J = layer.get_jones_field(t)
Peps = self._get_Peps(layer, eps_para_hat, J, direct=False)
t = layer.get_tangent_field(harmonics_tan, normalize=False)
Peps = self._get_Peps(layer, eps_para_hat, t, direct=False)
if layer.is_mu_anisotropic:
mu_para_hat = [
[self._get_toeplitz_matrix(mu[i, j]) for j in range(2)]
for i in range(2)
Pmu = block(mu_para_hat)
Pmu = block([[mu_hat, self.ZeroG], [self.ZeroG, mu_hat]])
# Qeps = self.omega ** 2 * bk.eye(self.nh * 2) - Keps
# matrix = Peps @ Qeps - Kmu
matrix = self.omega**2 * Peps @ Pmu - (Peps @ Keps + Kmu @ Pmu)
layer.matrix = matrix
layer.Kmu = Kmu
layer.Pmu = Pmu
layer.eps_hat = eps_hat
layer.eps_hat_inv = eps_hat_inv
layer.mu_hat = mu_hat
layer.mu_hat_inv = mu_hat_inv
layer.Keps = Keps
layer.Peps = Peps
Qeps = self.omega**2 * Pmu - Keps
layer.Qeps = Qeps
_t1 = timer.toc(_t0, verbose=False)
logger.info(f"Done building matrix for layer {layer} in {_t1:0.3e}s")
return layer
def get_epsilon(self, layer_id, axes=(0, 1)):
# TODO: check formulation and anisotropy
Return the epsilon_zz component of the epsilon tensor.
layer_id : int or Layer
The layer to get the epsilon from.
axes : tuple of int, optional
The axes to return the epsilon for. Default is (0, 1).
The epsilon_zz component of the epsilon tensor.
layer, layer_index = self.get_layer(layer_id)
if layer.is_uniform:
return layer.epsilon
epsilon_zz = (
layer.epsilon[2, 2] if layer.is_epsilon_anisotropic else layer.epsilon
eps_hat = self._get_toeplitz_matrix(epsilon_zz)
return self.get_ifft(
eps_hat[:, self.index_zeroth_order],
# if inv:
# u = layer.eps_hat_inv ## nu_hat
# out = self.get_ifft(u[0,:], shape=self.lattice.discretization, axes=axes)
# return _inv(out)
def _get_amplitudes(self, layer_index, z=0, translate=True):
Retrieve the amplitudes of the forward and backward fields.
layer_index : int
The index of the layer
z : float, optional
The z coordinate, by default 0
translate : bool, optional
Whether to translate the amplitudes to the given z coordinate, by default True
ai : array
The amplitudes of the forward fields
bi : array
The amplitudes of the backward fields
_t0 = timer.tic()
logger.info("Retrieving amplitudes")
layer, layer_index = self.get_layer(layer_index)
n_interfaces = len(self.layers) - 1
if layer_index == 0:
aN, b0 = self._solve_ext()
ai, bi = self.a0, b0
elif layer_index in [n_interfaces, -1]:
aN, b0 = self._solve_ext()
ai, bi = aN, self.bN
ai, bi = self._solve_int(layer_index)
if translate:
ai, bi = _translate_amplitudes(self.layers[layer_index], z, ai, bi)
_t1 = timer.toc(_t0, verbose=False)
logger.info(f"Done retrieving amplitudes in {_t1:0.3e}s")
return ai, bi
def _solve_int(self, layer_index):
Solve for the amplitudes of the forward and backward fields in the interior of a layer.
layer_index : int
The index of the layer
ai : array
The amplitudes of the forward fields
bi : array
The amplitudes of the backward fields
layer, layer_index = self.get_layer(layer_index)
n_interfaces = len(self.layers) - 1
S = self.get_S_matrix(indices=(0, layer_index))
P = self.get_S_matrix(indices=(layer_index, n_interfaces))
# q = _inv(bk.array(bk.eye(self.nh * 2)) - bk.matmul(S[0][1], P[1][0]))
# ai = bk.matmul(q, bk.matmul(S[0][0], self.a0))
Q = bk.array(bk.eye(self.nh * 2)) - bk.matmul(S[0][1], P[1][0])
ai = bk.linalg.solve(Q, bk.matmul(S[0][0], self.a0))
bi = bk.matmul(P[1][0], ai)
return ai, bi
def _solve_ext(self):
Solve for the amplitudes of the forward and backward fields at the exterior boundaries.
aN : array
The amplitudes of the forward fields at the top boundary
b0 : array
The amplitudes of the backward fields at the bottom boundary
if not hasattr(self, "S"):
aN = self.S[0][0] @ self.a0 + self.S[0][1] @ self.bN
b0 = self.S[1][0] @ self.a0 + self.S[1][1] @ self.bN
return aN, b0
def _get_nu_hat_inv(self, layer):
Compute the inverse of the Toeplitz matrix of the effective permittivity
of a layer.
layer : Layer
The layer
N : int
The number of harmonics
nuhat_inv : array
The inverse of the Toeplitz matrix of the effective permittivity
epsilon = layer.epsilon
if layer.is_epsilon_anisotropic:
N = epsilon.shape[2]
eb = block(epsilon[:2, :2])
nu = inv2by2block(eb, N)
# nu = _inv(epsilon[2,2])
nu1 = bk.array(block2list(nu, N))
nuhat = self._get_toeplitz_matrix(nu1, transverse=True)
nuhat_inv = block2list(_inv(block(nuhat)), self.nh)
N = epsilon.shape[0]
nuhat = self._get_toeplitz_matrix(1 / epsilon)
nuhat_inv = _inv((nuhat))
return N, nuhat_inv
def _get_Peps(self, layer, eps_hat, t, direct=False):
N, nuhat_inv = self._get_nu_hat_inv(layer)
if direct:
T = block([[t[1], bk.conj(t[0])], [-t[0], bk.conj(t[1])]])
invT = inv2by2block(T, N)
# invT = _inv(T)
Q = (
[eps_hat[0][0], nuhat_inv[0][1]],
[eps_hat[1][0], nuhat_inv[1][1]],
if layer.is_epsilon_anisotropic
else block([[eps_hat[0][0], self.ZeroG], [self.ZeroG, nuhat_inv]])
That = block(
[self._get_toeplitz_matrix(get_block(T, i, j, N)) for j in range(2)]
for i in range(2)
invThat = block(
self._get_toeplitz_matrix(get_block(invT, i, j, N))
for j in range(2)
for i in range(2)
return That @ Q @ invThat
norm_t = norm(t)
nt2 = bk.abs(norm_t) ** 2
Pxx = t[0] * bk.conj(t[0]) / nt2
Pyy = t[1] * bk.conj(t[1]) / nt2
Pxy = t[0] * bk.conj(t[1]) / nt2
Pyx = t[1] * bk.conj(t[0]) / nt2
Pxx_hat = self._get_toeplitz_matrix(Pxx)
Pyy_hat = self._get_toeplitz_matrix(Pyy)
Pxy_hat = self._get_toeplitz_matrix(Pxy)
Pyx_hat = self._get_toeplitz_matrix(Pyx)
Pi = block([[Pyy_hat, Pyx_hat], [Pxy_hat, Pxx_hat]])
# Delta = epsilon - 1 / epsilon
# Delta_hat = self._get_toeplitz_matrix(Delta)
eps_para_hat = block(eps_hat)
if layer.is_epsilon_anisotropic:
D = eps_para_hat - block(nuhat_inv)
D = eps_para_hat - block(
[[nuhat_inv, self.ZeroG], [self.ZeroG, nuhat_inv]]
return eps_para_hat - D @ Pi
def plot_structure(
self, plotter=None, nper=(1, 1), dz=0.0, null_thickness=None, **kwargs
Plot the structure.
plotter : function, optional
Custom function to plot the structure. Signature should be
``plotter(simulation, nper, dz, null_thickness, **kwargs)``.
nper : tuple of int, optional
Number of periods in the x and y direction.
dz : float, optional
The distance of the structure from the z=0 plane.
null_thickness : float, optional
The thickness of the null layers at the top and bottom of the structure.
return plot_structure(self, plotter, nper, dz, null_thickness, **kwargs)
def phasor(q, z):
Compute the phasor exp(i q z).
q : float or array
The wavevector
z : float or array
The position
The phasor
return bk.exp(1j * q * z)
# def _build_Kmatrix(u, Kx, Ky):
# return block(
# [
# [Kx @ u @ Kx, Kx @ u @ Ky],
# [Ky @ u @ Kx, Ky @ u @ Ky],
# ]
# )
def _build_Kmatrix(u, Kx, Ky):
def matmuldiag(A, B):
return bk.einsum("i,ik->ik", bk.array(bk.diag(A)), bk.array(B))
kxu = matmuldiag(Kx, u)
kyu = matmuldiag(Ky, u)
return block(
[matmuldiag(Kx.T, kxu.T).T, matmuldiag(Ky.T, kxu.T).T],
[matmuldiag(Kx.T, kyu.T).T, matmuldiag(Ky.T, kyu.T).T],
def _build_Mmatrix(layer):
phi = layer.eigenvectors
def matmuldiag(A, B):
return bk.einsum("ik,k->ik", bk.array(A), B)
# a = layer.Qeps @ phi @ (bk.diag(1 / layer.eigenvalues))
a = layer.Qeps @ matmuldiag(phi, 1 / layer.eigenvalues)
return block([[a, -a], [phi, phi]])
# TODO: check orthogonality of eigenvectors to compute M^-1 without inverting it for potential speedup
# cf: D. M. Whittaker and Imat. S. Culshaw, Scattering-matrix treatment of
# patterned multilayer photonic structures
def _build_Mmatrix_inverse(layer):
phi = layer.eigenvectors
def matmuldiag(A, B):
return bk.einsum("ik,k->ik", bk.array(A), B)
# b = matmuldiag(phiT,layer.eigenvalues)
b = bk.diag(layer.eigenvalues) @ bk.conj(phi.T)
c = bk.conj(phi.T) @ layer.Qeps
return 0.5 * block([[b, c], [-b, c]])
def _build_Imatrix(layer1, layer2):
# if layer1.is_uniform:
# a1 = _build_Mmatrix(layer1)
# inv_a1 = _inv(a1)
# else:
# inv_a1 = _build_Mmatrix_inverse(layer1)
a1 = _build_Mmatrix(layer1)
a2 = _build_Mmatrix(layer2)
return bk.linalg.solve(a1, a2)
# inv_a1 = _inv(a1)
# return inv_a1 @ a2
def _translate_amplitudes(layer, z, ai, bi):
Translate the amplitudes of the forward and backward fields
to the given z coordinate.
layer : Layer
The layer
z : float
The z coordinate
ai : array
The amplitudes of the forward fields
bi : array
The amplitudes of the backward fields
aim : array
The translated amplitudes of the forward fields
bim : array
The translated amplitudes of the backward fields
q = layer.eigenvalues
aim = ai * phasor(q, z)
bim = bi * phasor(q, layer.thickness - z)
return aim, bim